Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yaesu announces P25 Amateur Radios for 2012

I found an interesting surprise today when I woke up, in the form of a new product line announcement from Yaesu.  We all know that Yaesu, and more specifically their Vertex-Standard product line was purchased by Motorola a couple of years ago.

What's interesting about today's announcement is that it would seem that Yaesu is no attempting to steer US amateur radio operators towards C4FM (P25) Phase-I and Phase-II modulation rather than D-Star.

This is exciting news for those of us (a minority for sure) that are currently using P25 equipment for amateur radio.

Yaesu's document "A Digital Communications Guide for Amateur Radio Operators" can be obtained here:

Yaesu states in this document that a C4FM (FDMA) mobile and portable will become available in early 2012, followed by a C4FM (TDMA) radio.